In Honor of
Robert And Nina Feiner
Toby Feiner
To the Guest of Honor,
Samual & Monica Nahmias
on a most well-deserved honor.
Your unwavering dedication and generosity continue to inspire and uplift the community.
May you continue to be able to do for the ruchm for many years to come.
Ohel Champions Award
Debra & Jay Zachter
Congrats on a well-deserved recognition!
Your commitment to making a difference has touched so many lives.
May your influence continue to grow and lead to even greater achievements in this years ahead.
To corporate honoree
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazal Tov!
And to
David Mandel, Mel Zachter, Jay Kestenbaum, Howard Lorch, Amy Bierig
and the wonderful staff
for all of the great work that Ohel does.
Toby Feiner